Sunday, March 21, 2010

A crockpot creation

I was excited about trying two new recipes from the crockpot365 blog.
Though the meals were gluten free, they looked scrumptious and the blogger Stephanie has admirable wit and persuasion. Kim came over and helped me prep the recipes and Jason from work gave me the gluten free ingredients. Julie delivered them. All saints and yes, I have time to notify the Vatican.

The first recipe was green chile chicken. Looks like Steph appreciates a good ol kick and a punch of spice. The second recipe was called End of Summer Harvest soup. Well, I was appealed by the zucchini and squash and everyone knows how much I love soup, so I decided to write it in my recipe book as All Season soup :)

I messed up the first recipe by missing one tiny detail. I thought the second recipe turned out horrible. It was due to spaghetti sauce being a major contender in the mix. I couldn't justify having spaghetti sauce as a broth so I continued to let it cook, drained the vegetables when they were translucent and washed them off, rinsing with cold water. I then took half of the veggies and mixed it in with the chicken, added some chicken broth and Korean chili paste and cooked it all over again. Oh my goodness. My what a party in my mouth! It was really good served over rice. Ok, I actually haven't eaten it yet but I sampled more than a forkful before picking up the iPhone to share my delight. I am eating it served over rice. The other half of veggies I mixed with spaghetti sauce and put it in the freezer for gluten free pasta night. I'm calling this creation harvest chicken with pacific heat. Bon apetite!!!

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