Monday, March 22, 2010

Living Up to His Name

Today was rough. Especially the outcome of my follow up with my neurologist. She did not have good news for me. Looks like the next two weeks will be full of physical therapy, more tests, more doctors, more meds. I do feel that I am in good care. I am not to drive with my kids in the car so I think I'll forego the cost of daycare, but that makes things difficult at home since I only have one hand and they are more than a handful. My first session of physical therapy was just plumb exhausting and it was very disappointing to see how quick and eager my brain is but how slow and cautious my limbs were.

Abby has been fighting a fever due to teething, I'm sure. Every time she fights a fever or illness her breathing is compromised. So I could not wait to see her and how she was doing and just cuddle with her. She had improved today at daycare. I tried to cuddle her but she felt so much better that she was rearin to go and play. I could not comfortably hold her in a secure position so I waited for her to settle down some and let her play with Noam. They play so well together. She just adores him.

I was trying to open a can by myself and then a new bottle of dressing. It was not going well at all. I wound up dropping the can on my left foot. I immediately said OUCH! But then laughed. One positive to being a clutz and a bit of a handicap is that when you drop your cans on your foot after a stroke you don't feel a thing! Now I know to aim for my foot whenever I drop something! I gave up on the can and the dressing and ate my salad plain. It was good but very boring.

After that struggle I was ready for bed. I knew it was time for the kids to have their bath. It was certainly an even greater struggle getting us all out of our clothes or into our birthday suits in order to have a proper bath. It is laughable how long this took. I was starting to feel a bit whiny but determined to enjoy my children and just being able to be with them. Things could be so much worse. After the bath I was able to transfer baby and terror into their room for their traditional after bath moisturizing. Noam must have noticed my fatigue so he took it upon himself to put a diaper on his little sister and pull out her pajamas for me. He put his undies back on, jumped in bed and quickly got settled in under the covers. "snug in a bug rug, mama!" (I usually tell him he is snug as a bug in a rug) and then he said his prayers. Abby was lying down beside him. He pulled her onto his chest and snuggled her for me. Perhaps he knows I can't.

What a picture. It just melts my heart. Noam means God's pleasant gift and friend. I'd say he is definitely living up to his name. What a gift he is to me and what a friend to sweet-faced Abby. He held her and sang the song I made up for her. He didn't miss a beat or word.

Wish I had been able to catch it on video. Just the perfect ending to a wearisome day.

1 comment:

  1. Look at those rosy cheeked cherubs! God is good to give you this blessing at the end of a stressful day. Praying for God's clear direction and provision for you while you are going through this trial. hugs, Momma
